chaukee daud example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. For ten years, it will dominate the world of work and play a major role in the political evolution of the country for basic relay if the Democratic Party of Guinea (P 2. In the former communist bloc, heraldry knew from the fifties a flourishing vogue, by the relay of urban and administrative iconic 3. Note that more collateral fibers corticospinal are completed in the pontine reticular nuclei or bulbar, and others reach the somatosensory relay route (core Goll and Burdach) 4. Of course, in case of crisis, the reserve forces were immediately mobilized, either publicly (radio) or a relay system 5. The colony continued to serve as a relay for the millions of Chinese emigrants leaving southern China towards the entire Southeast Asia